Cellar Spiders

owl pest control Cellar Spider
Owl Pest Control

Cellar Spiders - Daddy Long Legs (Pholcus phalangioides)

Cellar Spider - Owl pest control Dublin


Cellar Spiders are pale yellow to light brown or gray hue. They have long thin legs with a tiny body (6-9mm in size). Their extremely long legs make these spiders appear much larger and give them their nickname of “daddy long legs”.


Cellar spiders are found in dark and damp places. They build loose, irregular, tangled webs in corners. They hang upside down on the underside of the web. The webs are not cleaned but instead a new web is continually added. This habit can produce extensive webbing in a relatively short time.

Cellar spider - Owl pest control Dublin


Cellar spiders are of no threat to humans. While they are commonly found in homes, they usually remain in one location. They do not bite.


  • Regular removal of cellar spiders with a vacuum cleaner or brush helps restrict their activity.
  • Seal all cracks on the exterior of the home, especially around doors and windows, and use screens to prevent entry into homes.
  • The use of yellow light bulbs for exterior lighting may reduce the number of spiders and other insects as they are typically attracted to brighter white-light sources.
  • Lowering the humidity in basements, cellars and crawl spaces with the use of a dehumidifier or ventilation can discourage cellar spiders from living there.



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