Specialist Cleaning
Bird Cleaning - Decontamination - Disinfection - Bird Droppings - Rat Cleaning - Dead Pests Removal
Cleaning of bird guano and rat & mice droppings is a delicate operation due to the health hazards involved. Pest excrements and urine should always be removed to stop smells and avoid the potential for insect-related problems.
Owl Pest Control undertakes specialist cleaning projects regularly and we can provide quotations from photographs or following a free survey.
Our pest specialist cleaning procedure involves the following:
- Preparation of a site-specific Safe Work Method Statement and Risk Assessment;
- Control of rats, pigeons, mice or other pests involved;
Insecticide spray treatment in all areas (killing bird mites and biting insects prior to work commencement);
- Specialist ornithological & rodent disinfectant treatment (risk of inhaling dust containing micro-organisms which may cause ornithosis, psittacosis, histoplasmosis, salmonellosis and other serious diseases);
- Biocide treatments of contaminated materials against bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa and Rickettsiales (including Chlamydia, E. coli O157, Salmonella, Listeria, and Cryptococcus);
- Removal, bagging of pigeon carcasses or dead rats, nesting material, droppings & guano for disposal as per Dept of Agriculture regulations;
- Cleaning of all surfaces as necessary;
- On completion of bird cleaning, final insecticide and biocide treatment in all areas including beams/walls/rafters;
- Fumigation/thermal fogging of large attics/warehouses on termination of works.
- Building proofing or Bird netting to prevent problems from reoccurring