Rats and Mice in Dublin – Common Types of Rodents

Rats & Mice in Dublin - Owl pest control

The Most Common Types of Rodents

You probably loved Minnie and Mickey Mouse as a kid but now that you are an adult, the last thing you want is the idea of sharing your Dublin home or business with rats and mice. The most Common Types of Rodents!

It is understandable that most people have an inherent fear or dislike of these tiny creatures. After all, everyone knows the dangers and risks they pose to humans, pets, other animals, properties and the environment as a whole.

Types of Rodents

There are many different species of rodents in Ireland including rats, mice, shrews, voles and squirrels. Some rodents play a vital role in the overall health of forests and grasslands. They also serve as the primary source of food for most scavengers and predators such as foxes and birds of prey.

But some other of rodents, specifically the non-native species like the house mice and Norway rat, become pests once they infest homes, destroy properties, and threaten the health of the general public. They can destroy and damage food supplies, critical habitats, crops, native animals and plants.

Which is Worse – Mouse or Rat?

No one wants to deal with a rodent infestation. After all, these small and nasty creatures can destroy your house or important belongings and spread various diseases and illnesses. Seeing mice and rats scurrying around your home or business space is a true nightmare that came to life.

Which is the worse of the two: mice or rats?

There are several types of rodents in Ireland. However, the House Mouse and the Norway Rat (which can become very aggressive once established indoors) are responsible for most common issues in our homes.

However, it doesn’t really matter whether you are dealing with mice or rats as both of them can potentially carry and spread various diseases, some of which can even be fatal to humans. Rats and mice alike are also the culprits behind some dangerous allergies that many people suffer from.

Damage to food and buildings

Contamination of Dublin homes and businesses is also possible as rats and mice leave their urine and droppings behind and infiltrate food sources. They could even bring in ticks or fleas that can carry numerous diseases as well.

These rodents not only cause health problems as they can also be very damaging to homes and commercial spaces. They basically eat whatever they can sink their sharp teeth into, such as wood, cardboard, electrical wiring and insulation.

Exposed wires that they leave behind might even cause house fires. Scary, isn’t it?

Rat gnawed electrical wires

Get Help With Rats Or Mice

Norway Rats


Norway rats, or also called brown rats, are among the largest rat species that can grow at a maximum of 10 inches excluding the tail. If one female Norway rat finds its way into your house or establishment, you might end up dealing with lots of baby rats before you even know it.

Norway rats tend to produce as much as 5 litters in just one year and every litter has an average of 7 baby rats! Just imagine how damaging a female Norway rat can do if she finds a spot in your attic or storage room.


These rats are known to carry Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, Q fever, Well’s disease, viral hemorrhagic fever and cryptosporidiosis. Norway rats are incredibly adaptive to their environment. They are considered among the most aggressive and difficult to control out of all pests.

This is why it is important that you get the help of an expert and professional pest control company in Dublin to help you say goodbye to Norway rats in no time.

More About Rodent Control

House Mice

Common Types of Rodents - Owl pest control Dublin
House Mice under decking

House mouse biology

Smaller than rats, house mice can measure up to 6 to 7 inches and most of this length is found in the tail. House mice prefer to be indoors where it is cozy and nice instead of the outdoors. This is why it can be very challenging to try keeping them outside your premises.

Female house mice can breed all year round with large litter with as much as 14 babies. To make things worse, these babies can start breeding as soon as they are 5 weeks old. This means that it is very easy and fast for a house mouse infestation to get out of your control. They love living near humans and they go around spreading diseases and contaminating sources of food.

Are mice aggressive?

Probably the only good thing about house mice is that they don’t tend to be very aggressive and will bite only if threatened. And even if this happens, their teeth are not large enough to cause a break on the skin. This is what makes them less threatening than rats.

Dealing with Common Types of Rodents in Dublin?

Sewer rat attack the chasing broom!

Needless to say, it is never a good thing to have these pesky rodents to find their way and set up camp inside your home or business space in Dublin. All of them can spread diseases and cause extensive damages to homes and establishments and everything found within them.

If you ever suspect that you are dealing with a mouse or rat infestation, make sure you contact a Dublin pest control company right away that can help you deal with these rodents before things go out of control!

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