Get Your Business Pest-Free and Ready After Covid-19 Lockdown

covid_19_pest_ready_guidance_for_reopening-your-business - Owl pest control Dublin

Is your business preparing to reopen after the lockdown?

Many closed businesses are facing high risks of a serious pest infestation, especially if during a lockdown no one organises regular inspections of the premises. get your property pest-free today!

The BPCA has published a simple but comprehensive guidance document to help you determine if you are compliant, pest-free and ready to serve your customers. The document will help you mitigate the potential risk of pest problems if your premises closed down during the Covid-19 pandemic, so you can reopen safely.

Pests have developed in quiet buildings during the lockdown and all businesses need to check for evidence of infestation when returning to work.

pest-free kitchen
Mouse hiding in a kitchen tray

The public health risks associated with pests in a business may have a significant impact on staff and customers if no-one ensures that an efficient pest management programme is in place.

The document is available to download below:


Contact us if you need any pest control advice when reopening your business.

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