Rodenticide New Permanent Baiting Rules in Ireland

Toxic Baiting rules-Owl Pest control Ireland

Following the EU Biocide Directive, you can no longer purchase over the counter rat and mice poison in packs bigger than 300g. Also, there is now a decrease in the concentration of active ingredient from 0.05% to 0.025% all across Europe.

Is there rodenticide in use at your workplace?

You should be aware that Irish authorities (DAFM) no longer allow traditional permanent baiting with rodenticide. You should remove all bait after 35 days and DAFM inspectors already carry out spot checks routinely on commercial sites.

A concise statement is available on the DAFM-PRCD website.

New Rules Highlights Include:

  • “Toxic baiting should only be for a max. 35 days period.”
  • “Permanent toxic baiting is only for sites with a high potential for re-invasion when other methods of control have proven insufficient.”
  • “When there is a requirement for permanent toxic baiting and whilst it continues to be in use, you should review the Risk Assessment and baiting strategy every 35 days in the context of IPM”.
  • “You must revisit sites implementing toxic baiting every 4 weeks at a minimum during the treatment.”

Legal Implications of the New Rules


The consequence of the new rules is that you can only use rodenticide after carrying out a written Risk Assessment. This assessment needs updating (in writing) after 4 weeks if you are still using rodenticide.

The term “permanent baiting” is in fact not appropriate anymore, even for the exceptional circumstances we described above. A more appropriate term would be “long-term baiting” or “prolonged baiting” since you must remove the bait as soon as you can no longer justify its use with recorded evidence.

Is Your Site Compliant?


Check The Full DAFM Requirements Document Here


Have you got the necessary paperwork at hand ready for DAFM inspections?

Ignoring the new rules will constitute a breach of a statutory rodenticide label and expose you to possible prosecution from the DAFM.

Several warnings have already been issued and it is only a matter of time before a particular business makes the headlines. Check your pest control programme setup – Act now!

If you need any help to assess the compliance of your current rodent control setup, contact one of our experts. We will immediately evaluate your situation and advise you FREE of charge. 


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