Carpet Beetles

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Owl Pest Control

Carpet Beetles (Anthrenus verbasci)

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Carpet Beetles Larva (Anthrenus) Owl Pest Control


Carpet beetles resemble ladybird beetles in shape, but are usually less than 1/4″ long. They may display a rainbow of colour on their back surfaces. It can take 250 days to three years for varied carpet beetles to grow from an egg to an adult.


Carpet beetles are found in homes in attics, Oriental carpets, tapestries and wood-based wall-to-wall carpeting. They also feed on dead insects, furs, hides, feathers, horns, hair, silk and bones. We often get calls in Dublin for light but persistent infestations caused by cat or dog hair.


Carpet beetles do not bite animals or people. They do not feed on blood. Nevertheless, they may cause significant damage to furnishings and clothes, and also carry germs resulting in the spread of disease and bacterial growth.

If these bugs get in contact with open foods, they can contaminate it with their saliva and faeces. Once ingestated, the bacteria can cause infections, dermatitis, allergic reactions, and irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract.


  • Store wool and silk clothing in plastic containers.
  • Dry-clean clothing thoroughly before storing for long periods of time.
  • Hoover wool carpets regularly.

Contact Owl Pest Control Dublin if you need help on how to get rid of carpet beetles or to arrange a professional carpet beetle treatment.


DIY Carpet Beetle Treatments - Get Rid of Carpet Beetles

Want to get rid of carpet beeltes by yourself?

Click on the links below for more details or to buy DIY carpet beetle killing products online


Contact Owl Pest Control

Do you have a carpet beetle problem and need to talk to an expert?
Contact Owl Pest Control today!

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Unit 19, Tallaght Business Centre, Whitestown Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24. D24 TD42

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