The requirement for Pest Controllers to hold a valid licence (PMU)
1. Overview
Following changes in professional product labels under EU Biocidal Products Regulations, the Pesticide Registration and Control Divisions (PRCD) of the Department of Agriculture (DAFM) made it mandatory for all pest controllers to register with the Department and obtain a PMU number. This came into effect on 31/12/2017 and is necessary in order to buy or use rodenticide products.
In effect, pest control operators buying or using professional products after January 1st 2018 without a valid licence number (PMU) are operating illegally.
Upon application acceptance, pest controllers receive a “Pest Management Trained Professional Users number or PMU”, e.g. PMU000001. This registration number can use for ID cards or clients documentation. The PRCD also maintains a list of all registered Trained Professional Users which is available to the public on their website. Therefore customers are able to check the registration of their pest control operative online.
In addition, it is necessary for professional pest controllers to be members of a Continuous Professional Development scheme (CPD or CPE) in order to keep their licence. CPD programmes are already in place in the EU States for professional pest controllers and are essential to ensure “Best Practice” principles.
2. Change in Product Labels:
NPTA-Ireland board members from Owl Pest Control have attended a number of industry meetings introducing some important changes in the legislation concerning pest control operators in the republic, mainly derived from the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive.
The main change is the new labels for the professional biocides (e.g. rat and mice poisons), which will refer to PCOs as “Trained Professional Users”.
3. How to Become a “Trained Professional User”?
In order to register as a Trained Professional User and get a “Pest Management User” (PMU) number, the PRCD is providing an online application form on their website.
To complete the form pest controllers have to enter personal details including relevant qualifications completed, i.e.:
- Lantra Award Trained Professional User – Pest Management Services
- Other qualifications (these will be evaluated on a case by case basis)
The “Lantra Level 3 Award in Pest Management Services – Trained Professional User” is now available. We facilitate the delivery of this 5-day course once (or twice) a year directly at Owl Pest Control’s office in Tallaght (contact us for details). The Lantra Level 3 Qualification will assess your knowledge and understanding of:
- the regulations regarding the control of pest species
- biology, behaviour and management of vertebrate pests
- biocide product information
- hazards and risks associated with biocides
- personal safety when using chemicals
- biology, behaviour and management of invertebrate pests
- safe working practices
- the requirements for protected areas
- environmental risks and protection of wildlife
- how to deal with incidents
- record keeping
- advising clients.
4. Continuous Professional Development
CPD training provides Pest Management Trained Professional User the opportunity to keep abreast of changes that affect the industry and allows them the opportunity to adapt practice in a planned and structured manner.
This is why Professional Users must participate in the required Continuous Professional Development /Education (CPD/CPE) to maintain their PMU registration.
In the event of failing to maintain CPD, the individual will have his/her name removed from the PRCD register. Basis Prompt and BPCA are both providing a CPD scheme at present.
For more information on BASIS Prompt CPD scheme and how to register, Click Here.
5. Implication of the New Labels
From 01/01/2018, any individual using biocides without being a registered TPU will be in direct breach of the biocide label and will be committing an offence.
Offences can be traced long after the pest control intervention has occurred (paper trail) and it is essential to be registered to operate professionally.
Customers also have a responsibility to check that they are using suitable contractors.
It is likely that next NPTA-Ireland membership will require PMU number for all operating pest controllers.
6. More Information
PRCD website information:
This information was presented by Christophe Izart and Fergus Reynolds, NPTA-Ireland Representatives.